Monday, February 20, 2012

College: UCLA Engineering High School SUmmer Researh Program

2012 High School Summer Research Program @ UCLA

The UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science (HSSEAS) in conjunction with the Engineering Science Corps Outreach Program offers an eight-week summer program where it encourages all of its high school participants to consider a future in engineering. We offer research opportunities in all areas of Engineering and partner our students with a UCLA Engineering Professor and a graduate team (program mentors). Students conduct their research on the UCLA campus in UCLA Engineering Labs and Facilities. Individual research or a group project will be assigned to the students for the eight-week program.
The High School Summer Research Program is funded by the Nicholas Endowment. Thanks to new funding from the Henry Samueli Foundation, we are now able to expand our program to support approximately 60 students.

Presentations from UCLA Engineering Faculty
Each week of the program, students have the opportunity to attend a catered lunch presentation by a UCLA Engineering professor and to listen to and ask questions on their research. It is located inside the prestigious Edward K. Rice Conference Room in Boelter Hall. This great opportunity opens students' eyes to the other fields of Engineering and its applications that they may not already be familiar with.
Program participants also have a rare opportunity to sit down and have lunch with Associate Dean Wesel. Each week during the summer program, students get to meet with Dean Wesel, as he shares his own Engineering experiences as well as have some fun blasting off rockets and teaching basic principles of physics.

Participate in Laboratory Research
Each day of the 8-week program, students spend at least 6 hours in their mentor's lab either working on a specific project assigned to them or working alongside graduate and undergraduate students. Mentors are requested to keep program participants working for any 6 hours between the program's Hours of Operation: 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday.
Many times, mentors will assign program participants to one of his or her graduate students inside the laboratory. Mentors will meet with program participants periodically to measure progress and address any participant questions.

Create a Scientific Poster of your Research
Program participants attend three classroom sessions focused on creating a professional scientific poster. The classes help students prepare their own scientific poster on their research and learn how to successfully present them during a scientific poster session. Once developed, UCLA Engineering prints out and mounts their posters on large 32" by 40" boards for presentation. Scientific poster sessions are a certain occurrence throughout an engineering student's academic career, and this program allows high school students to get a head start in their engineering experience.

Journal Club
A major component of performing research is to read and learn new research trends from peer journal articles. In the HSSRP Journal Club, students will read and decipher pertinent journal articles given to them by their daily lab supervisors. Theses journal articles will provide the foundational understanding necessary for HSSRP students to complete their summer research project. HSSRP students will present the major findings of the journal article and outline to their peers the nature and scope of their HSSRP research project in weekly journal club sessions.

Participate in a Scientific Poster Session
On the final day of the 8-week program, participants will deliver their research in a scientific poster session. Participant families, teachers, UCLA Engineering faculty and staff are invited to this poster session, which is a catered event and brings the summer program to a close. Program participants interact with their audience as individuals move from one presentation to another. Program participants receive their stipend, a program certificate and their scientific poster before departing.

Benefits of Program
  • Participate in Engineering Research with UCLA Faculty and Staff
  • Attend weekly presentations from the various fields of Engineering
  • Create a professional Scientific Poster of their research
  • Meet and network with peers who have similar goals and interests
  • Experience University Residential Life and/or receive a monetary stipend
  • Become more competitive when applying to Engineering Schools

Open 2012 Application: March 23, 2012
Application deadline: April 20, 2012
Selected students will be notified by May 25, 2012.

Program Requirements:
  • Current Sophomore or Junior in High School
  • Grade Point Average 3.0 or above (unweighted)
  • Completed Application by April 20, 2012
  • Personal Statement / Essay
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation - AVID, MESA, Math, or Science teacher, counselor, or administrator.
  • Official Copy of High School Transcript
  • Willingness to be challenged and a genuine interest in Engineering
How to Apply?

The 2012 HSSRP will run from June 25 - August 17, 2012.

If you are interested in participating in the UCLA Engineering High School Summer Research Program, you must complete the online application

Monday, February 13, 2012

College: Scholarship Opportunities for Korean Students

Scholarship Opportunities 대학 장학금 (2/13/2012 중앙일보 출처)

 Society of Exploration Geophysics Scholarship programs/scholarship
물리학이나 수학 지질학 전공 학생
Anthem Essay Contest /Anthem.aspx
9/10학년. 600-1200 에세이 제출
범아시아 상공회의소 장학금 about-celenrasian/scholarships
아시안 고교생. 추천서, 성적표와 간단한 에세이. 리더쉽과 다양한 과외활동 커뮤니티 활동 경력을 증명.
Asian Pacific Fund Scholarship ( information-for-sutndet-application)
대학생/ 대학원생

시민권자나 영주권자 대상
Erika J. Glazer Family Scholarship Fund ( page.aspx)
불체자 대학생
$1,600- 8,600.00
 불체자 대학생이나  CSU LA or CSU Dominguez Hill 학생. 좋은 성적과 커뮤니티 서비스 경력 필요
 킴보 장학금

$1500 (to 150 students)
한인 최대규모의 장학금. 저소득층 자녀 대상으로 에세이, 성적 증명서, 부모 세금 보고서, 봉사내력 등이 요구된다.
한미 장학금
12th/ 대학/ 대학원생
 GPA 3.0이상의 저소득층 학생들 대상. 지원서, 교사 추천서 및 에세이 요구.
한국어반 장학금

7학년 이상
$200 (세종대왕상),
$100 (훈민정음상)
공립고등학교 한국어반 학생들 대상. 한국어반 성적, 에세이, 교사 추천서
밀알장애인 장하금
( wheatmission.cafe24/com/ hboard3/bbs/board.php)
12th/ 대학/ 대학원생
$300/ ($3,600/)
한인장애인 대상의 최대규모. 대학에 진학하는 장애인 및 대학/대학원생 대상.
과학자 협회 장학금
이공계 전공자들 대상.지원서, 에세이, 성적 증명서, 추천서 요구
BBCN (구 나라은행) 장학금
(www.bbcnbank.come/ sweepstakes.html)

 저소등층 자녀 중 대학진학 예정자에 한함.
에세이 요구
한인동포 장학재단 장학금
College students
4.19폭동 피해자 자녀, or 한인 포함한 LA  인근 소수계 자녀, or LA 인근 경찰관, 셰리프 요원, 소방관 같은 사법 집행관 자녀 가능.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Congratulations ED Acceptances!

Sincere congratulations to two of our seniors who recently received acceptances to their Early Decision colleges!

E. Jung
Columbia University
Major: Physics
J. Mah
Johns Hopkins University
Major: International Studies
3.86 (unweighted)
4.02 (weighted)
35 (ACT)
2140 (SAT)
SAT Subjects
n Math IIC (800)
n US History (780)
n Chemistry (760)
n Math IIC (780)
n US History (740)
n Biology M (730)
n English Language & Composition (5)
n Chemistry (5)
n Calculus BC (5)
n World History (5)
n English Language & Composition (5)
n Biology (5)
n Art History (5)
n U.S. History (4)
n AP Calc BC Premios de Oro Medallion
n Math Analysis/Calc A Premios de Oro Award
n AMC 10 Math Competition: School Winner
n Algebra II/Trig Honors Premios de Oro Award
n AP Scholar with Honors
n National Merit Commended Student
n MUN Research Award
n AP English Language Heritage Award
n Principal's Honor Roll
n Wind Symphony First Chair Trombonist
n Mathematics National Honors Society VP & Charter Member
n National Forensics League Policy Debate Member
n Regiment of Gold Marching Band Brass Captain & Section Leader
n Youth for Change Korean Community Service Club Leadership Core
n Korean Air Force Academy Summer Camp Squad Leader
n Korean Marine Corps Camp Squad Leader
n Tae Kwon Do 2nd Degree Black Belt
n Green Pastures Youth Conservation Camp
n MUN Vice President
n Amnesty International Club Campaign/Network Coordinator
n Gene Burd Institute on LA Media & Politics Participant
n Cancer Center of Irvine Intern
n Kaiser Permanente Volunteer
n American Red Cross Club Public Relations
n E.A.R.T.H. Club Events Coordinator
n SoCAL SHINES Tutoring Program Secretary
n Inn at the Park Retirement Home Art Teacher/Waitress
n UCI Dermatology Center Intern