Monday, February 6, 2012

Congratulations ED Acceptances!

Sincere congratulations to two of our seniors who recently received acceptances to their Early Decision colleges!

E. Jung
Columbia University
Major: Physics
J. Mah
Johns Hopkins University
Major: International Studies
3.86 (unweighted)
4.02 (weighted)
35 (ACT)
2140 (SAT)
SAT Subjects
n Math IIC (800)
n US History (780)
n Chemistry (760)
n Math IIC (780)
n US History (740)
n Biology M (730)
n English Language & Composition (5)
n Chemistry (5)
n Calculus BC (5)
n World History (5)
n English Language & Composition (5)
n Biology (5)
n Art History (5)
n U.S. History (4)
n AP Calc BC Premios de Oro Medallion
n Math Analysis/Calc A Premios de Oro Award
n AMC 10 Math Competition: School Winner
n Algebra II/Trig Honors Premios de Oro Award
n AP Scholar with Honors
n National Merit Commended Student
n MUN Research Award
n AP English Language Heritage Award
n Principal's Honor Roll
n Wind Symphony First Chair Trombonist
n Mathematics National Honors Society VP & Charter Member
n National Forensics League Policy Debate Member
n Regiment of Gold Marching Band Brass Captain & Section Leader
n Youth for Change Korean Community Service Club Leadership Core
n Korean Air Force Academy Summer Camp Squad Leader
n Korean Marine Corps Camp Squad Leader
n Tae Kwon Do 2nd Degree Black Belt
n Green Pastures Youth Conservation Camp
n MUN Vice President
n Amnesty International Club Campaign/Network Coordinator
n Gene Burd Institute on LA Media & Politics Participant
n Cancer Center of Irvine Intern
n Kaiser Permanente Volunteer
n American Red Cross Club Public Relations
n E.A.R.T.H. Club Events Coordinator
n SoCAL SHINES Tutoring Program Secretary
n Inn at the Park Retirement Home Art Teacher/Waitress
n UCI Dermatology Center Intern

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